You can think of fluoroscopy as an x-ray “movie.” In this imaging procedure, an x-ray is continually passing through the body and transmitting an image to a nearby monitor. This allows the radiologist to observe the movement of the body in great detail. Fluoroscopy is primarily used to aid in the diagnosis of diseases and guide surgeons during minimally invasive interventional radiology procedures.
Digital X-Ray & Fluoroscopy Preparations:
Preparations for fluoroscopy vary depending on what type of procedure you need. Below you will find overviews of fluoroscopy preparations for various procedures.
Barium Enema (BE)
Please follow the preparations below prior to undergoing the enema:
The Day Before Your Appointment:
- Have a light breakfast.
- Have clear liquids for lunch and dinner. Clear liquids include clear broth, tea, carbonated beverages, or Jello (no red). Do not eat solid foods or milk products.
- At 1:00, 3:00, 7:00, 10:00 pm and at bedtime drink 8 ounces (1 glass) of clear liquid in addition to the liquid diet.
- At 6:00 pm take 4 Bisacodyl Tablets.
The Day Of Your Appointment:
- At least one hour before leaving for your examination, take a Fleet Enema. Wait 15 minutes before having a bowel movement.
Intravenous Urogram (IVP)
Please follow the preparations below:
- Do not eat or drink four (4) hours prior to your examination.
Gall Bladder Exam
Please follow the preparations below prior to your examination:
- Obtain 12 Telepaque tablets from pharmacy.
- Maintain regular diet (including fats) for two full days prior to exam.
- During both days, take two tablets at 4 p.m., two tablets at 6 p.m., and two tablets at 8 p.m.
- Eat nothing after the last tablets. You may drink coffee ( no milk ), tea, juice, and water until bedtime. On morning of exam, you may have the same liquids (no milk), but nothing to eat.
Upper Gastro-Intestinal Series, Barium Swallow or Small Bowel Follow Through
Please follow the preparations below prior to your examination:
- Nothing to eat or drink from midnight until exam.